Bahá’ís of Benton and Linn Counties, Oregon

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Global awareness campaign focuses on 8-year imprisonment of Baha'is in Iran

NEW YORK, 14 May 2016, (BWNS) — The Baha'i International Community has marked the 8th year anniversary of the unjust imprisonment of the seven former Baha'i leaders in Iran with a global campaign to call for their immediate release.

The campaign theme "Enough! Release the Baha'i Seven" calls to attention the plight of these seven individuals, and, beyond them, the plight of Iran's Baha'is who have faced relentless and systematic persecution orchestrated by the Iranian regime.

Interfaith Voices--Who Are the Baha'is?

November 14, 2015 7:00 am

Let me introduce you to the hundred or so Baha'is who live in and near Corvallis, part of the 6 million or so Baha'is worldwide.

First, the word is pronounced bah-HIGH.

Next, what exactly does that word, Baha'i, mean? “Baha” means “Glory” in Persian. Baha'is follow the teachings of Prophet-Founder “Bahá'u'lláh", a title that means “the Glory of God,” and who lived in Iran (then Persia) in the 19th century.

Twin Baha'i Holy Days--celebrated November 12 - 14, 2015

All are invited to join one of several devotional gatherings on Thursday, November 12, to launch the observance of the Birth of The Bab with families, friends and co-workers. We encourage all to invite their friends to these friendly gatherings. To learn more about the Baha'i Faith, click here.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Baha'i elections--grassroots democracy in action

Grassroots Democratic Elections--a spiritual process

Part of spiritual community building is the unique Baha'i election process. For a discussion of how Baha'is elect their leaders, through a process of grassroots democracy, click on the image. Four Baha'is from our Linn and Benton counties share their perspectives.
