Bahá’ís of Benton and Linn Counties, Oregon

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Benton County

Bahá’í events and you

Please continue to reach out to vulnerable friends and neighbors to offer your help, if you can. Look for the helpers, and help them.

The Birth of the Bab

This October marks the bicentenary of the birth of The Báb – a figure in the history of the Baha’i Faith whose message inaugurated a new stage in the development of mankind: a time of transformation marking humanity’s passage toward maturity. Playing a part in advancing
civilization is the spiritual heritage of every believer in the Cause of God.

To celebrate this special time, the Baha'is of Philomath invite you to participate in two gatherings. (Yes! You can attend either one, or both!)

President Jimmy Carter Offers Wishes on Baha'u'llah's Bicentary

President Carter wrote to the American Bahá’í Community, offering his and Mrs. Carter's best wishes on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the birth of Bahá’u’lláh.

In his letter, he said, "As many of our people struggle with persistent systemic injustice against African Americans and Indigenous Nations, chronic violence against women, religious conflict, and endless war, the centrality of peace, human equality and religious unity found in the Bahá’í  writings and activities can serve as an inspiration to those of all faiths and creeds."

Oh, God, Show Me a Sign!

by Kathy Roman

When I was a little girl, feeling lost or confused, I would talk to God and ask for a sign to show me everything was going to be okay.

As I got older, I put that silliness away for the most part. But superstitions aside, I do still believe that God can speak to us through signs that are meaningful to us. Synchronicities and coincidences at just the right time can support and confirm us. But what about asking for signs like I did as a child? Two unique circumstances taught me valuable lessons.

New Chilean Baha'i Temple Opens Its Doors to All

A point of light for South America

Located in the foothills of the Andes in Santiago de Chile, the Baha'i House of Worship South America will open its doors from October 2016 and will welcome all people of the city and its surroundings, the rest of the continent and from anywhere in the world who wish to know, go their gardens or participate in activities that take place there. 
